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Reviews - Splawn Quick Rod


Customer Feedback  I got the Splawn because it was supposed to do 80's tones plus I needed a clean ch for the songs my band does. This was the best for the $$ at the time. The clean channel was ok and the gain tones were cool but the longer I played it the more the top end hurt my ears. It didnt have the round 3D richness I wanted. Thats when I started looking for someone to mod this because I didnt have the money to buy another amp. I wanted Dave Friedman to mod it but he said they wouldnt touch it. Ive heard of Voodoo for years and everyone raves about their customer service. I told them I wanted the  HG-Jose Mod but I needed 2 ch's and they said "no problem' we can make it happen.

This f#$kin thing screams!! Its quieter than it was stock and tons easier to play! Before I had to use a ts808 to smooth up the tone and turn the tone knob off to warm it up. I sold the ts808 and plug straight in. I was told it would have the same amount of gain but I think it has a bit more, maybe because its so easy to play. The cleans actually sound damn good and Im using the clean ch way more, I can even play leads on it. It kills with humbuckers or single coils. The effects loop sounds better now too. Badass tones! - Marko Palmer, CA

Customer Feedback
  Guys I just got the amp 2 days ago and I can't stop playing it. Can't even believe this is the same amp I sent you. It's amazing and so addictive. I'm not sure how you got this kind of EL34 midrange from the KT88's but I have an amp for life now. I never used the cleans but they are very useable now. Just wanted to says thanks! - Steven Frazier, NYC

Customer Feedback  Trace you asked me to let you know what I thought after the first 2 weeks. Well speechless is where I am at right now. Three of my friends came over last night (they each over played for over 20 years) and one has the same Splawn Quick Rod but one year older. It floored everyone who was present. The Gear switch is great and all the settings are useful. NO question that the EQ is definitely sweeter. I don’t have to turn the Presence off and run the Treble at 9:00. All of us agreed that you can set the EQ at 12:00 and it sounds perfectly balanced (couldn't come close before). My friend Tim was so blown away he's sending you his next month! He is one of the most picky players I know when it comes to tone and after he played mine he just shook his head in disbelief. I see you post these on facebook so feel free to post what ever you want from this email. I have been searching for these tones for since the mid 80's, thanks! - Tim Johnson, IA 

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