Voodoo Custom Shop 2.0
"If you can dream it we can build it"
From circuits specifically designed for your needs to faithful recreations of the most sought after amps in the world. Clean tones, Blues tones, Blues Rock, Fusion, Rock, Pop, Hard Rock, Metal & more! Email or call us now to discuss the tones you are looking for 607-256-0465
Custom Builds - Any order that goes beyond a Standardized Product build, is considered a Custom Build. There are no guaranteed turn around times for Custom Builds. IE: Some customization's are more simplistic in design while others are much more in depth. Trace Davis designs all Custom Mods & performs the final fine line tweaking so each amp sounds & feels as intended. Approximate turn around time is 6-12 months & longer in certain cases.

STL-1 - Speaker to Line Level
Custom Tolex
Custom Grill Cloth

Voodoo Amps® is the Leader in Tube Amp Mods & Upgrades
Pricing, features & specifications subject to change without notice