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Entries for April 2015


Customer Feedback - "My 5150 III Combo is pretty much perfect now. I sent it to Trace to get it to where I could use the blue channel because the red channel was pretty much unusable (too much gain & too harsh) and too noisy. After the Standard and DC mods, the Red channel sounds as good as the Blue channel, all of the noise a hiss is gone, & the Red channel's Gain picks up right where the blue gain leaves off. I find myself using the red channel instead of the blue channel now. Even more important is that I have a clean channel now thanks to the DC Mod. Trace accomplished what Fender should have done in the first place. Highly worth the investment!!" - James Tamayo, Facebook


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A customer emailed us photos of a 'HG-Jose Mod' we performed not too long ago & we thought we would share his personal customization with you. The EVH guitar is one the gentleman spent 6 months making as a replica. Cool stuff Stacy Jaycox! 

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This is a 1987x Plexi Reissue that was Modified by a prior tech & sent to us to have our HG-Jose Mod installed. After reviewing the work of the prior tech we determined it made more sense & the amp would be more reliable if we installed a hand-wired board. Trace Davis designed a layout containing our HG-Jose Mod ($800), installed new control pots, installed the new hand-wired board & Trace did the final tweaking-&-finessing - the amp sounds & feels amazing!

Check out the list of Marshalls the HG-Jose Mod applies to!


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Customer Email - "Hi Trace! The Platinum HG-Jose Modded Marshall Super Lead I've nick named 'Beast' has living up to his name perfectly - This amp has monster tone & is everything I've ever wanted in an amp! Hands down, Beast is the best amp I've EVER played, much less owned. Thanks for helping me achieve my dream tone - I couldn't be happier! Best regards", Stacy Jaycox, Northwest Arkansas. Hollywood Riot Band

List of Amps the HG-Jose Mod applies to

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Had a great time with Michael Schenker's Temple of Rock  & support act Gundriver. Michael has two (2) members of the Scorpions with him, Herman Rarebell on drums & Francis Buchholz on bass, X-Rainbow vocalist Doogie White & Wayne Findlay on keys / guitars. If you haven't seen Michael Schenker live, trust me when I say it's worth the price of admission. This tour has some outstanding guitar work by both Schenker's band and the support act Gundriver - Trace Davis, President / Founder

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Hittin' the road with 'Michael Schenker & The Temple of Rock' & 'Gundriver', back in the shop tomorrow! [more]
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