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Customer Feedback - "Hi Trace & Cindy, Thank you so much for fixing my guitar cable.  I know it sounds trivial, but it has been my favorite cable since I bought it from you 10 years ago, and I'm so glad to have it back! It sounds perfect, btw.

I also want to thank Cindy for talking with me and answering my silly questions.  I mean, it's a cable.  What's there to know?  Many times we as guitarists get crazy attached to pieces of gear that just seem laughable, and we begin to think of it like parents think of their children.  Cindy, you are magnificent.  And thank you for the phone call to let me know it was on its way home.

I'll be a Voodoo customer for life, and this experience is just a tiny part of the reason why.  Hope you all have a great summer." - Scott Hallyburton

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